Have you ever noticed that so many many musicals open with a song about the town in which they are set!

Think Witches Of Eastwick, Hairspray and Little Shop Of Horrors, hell even Aladdin, lets you know you’re in Saudi Arabia.
Comedian Matt Buechele has created a video to demonstrate what he thinks the first song in every musical sounds like and it’s uncanny we tell you – uncanny.
In the song, called “The Name Of The City We Live IN” which starts slow and then becomes much more upbeat after the first verse, introduces various characters, including two secondary characters, one who tells you what they do for living, the other you can tell is a mum,” because the three kids I’m holding” a “comedic relief” character who has a stupid voice and then the lead character who arrives in town because of a bet or a dare gone wrong. And then, there is, of course, the key change.
However it’s the last line of the song, which sets up the entire musical – Check it out below.