Ah, gay cruising, for some gay and bi men it’s a rite of passage, for others it’s a no-go activity, but we’ve been looking at our website’s stats and we’ve discovered when gay cruising grounds are at their most popular, by analysing the hits and web searches we get for anything to do with cruising.
There are hundreds of cruising grounds across the UK and thousands of men partake in cruising activities every year, despite the legal and safety implications.
Now clearly anything that involves taking off some or all of your clothes in an outdoor or public setting is going to be more popular in the hotter summer months, but don’t be mistaken in thinking that guys don’t go cruising during the winter months as well. However, we have to say we think that nudist beaches are going to be pretty quiet past September.
The difference between Winter and Summer can make a big difference when gay cruising

Searches on our website are half in the wintery months as people tend to look to more dating app hookups or even gay saunas, but it doesn’t mean that all menfolk stop their outings.
Many use messaging sites, like ours, to let other guys know that they’re going to be at the location at a certain time – and don’t forget many cruising sites can take place indoors, in toilets, shopping centres and service stations. Gloryholes are incredibly popular in indoor settings and not something you can recreate in an outdoor setting.
So, when is the most popular time for cruising? Well, digging into the analytics of the past three years of searches on our site for cruising grounds, we have found that queries and visits to our cruising listings have peaked in August and July, not surprising when you consider the weather.
But you might be surprised to learn that the least popular cruising month isn’t December or January when it’s coldest in the UK no, it’s surprisingly April and March.
This is the exact date when gay cruising is the most and least popular.
But if you’re looking for the cruisiest day of the year, it’s the 18th of August, that’s when traffic peaks each year (on average) on our site. The least cruisiest, is March 5th.