Just how do you measure your penis size?
Penis size is one of those subjects that can come up often, particularly if you’re on a dating app like Grindr. But where do you measure from? Depending on where you measure from can leave you with inches worth of difference. The top, the side, underneath? These are all valid places to get a measurement, but which is the standard way?
Well, the very question of penis size and how to measure it came up on set of a gay porn shoot recently.
So, according to one porn star you need to use the Bone Press Method. Ever heard of it? Nope nor us. But gay porn star Mitch Matthews believes it’s the only way to get an accurate measurement.

Porn blog, WeLoveGayPorn (NSFW) reports, that in his latest scene for GuysInSweatpants.com the Mitch was keen to help his co-star Dante Colle get an accurate measure of his peen – and to do this you need to measure from the top, but “press into the skin, rather than letting it (the ruler) rest on the top (of the penis). He joked, “apparently it’s the standard way!”
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So there you have it. Have you tried the BPM?
Ever wondered how long the average penis is?

According to research conducted in 2015, the average penis size worldwide is around 5.5 inches (13.9 cms) when fully erect and according to the research, the UK’s men are exactly in that spot – so the average erect penis size for men in the UK is 5.5 inches.
The average girth according to research by the British Journal of Urology International is 4.3 inches (10.92 cms).
Those figures were come to (no pun intended) by studying the cocks of around 17,000 men.