Doctor David Bull has shown his support for the Leave Campaign ahead of the UK’s EU referendum tomorrow.

Dr Bull, who is known for presenting BBC’s Watchdog, Newsround and Sugar Dome has spoken out about why he feels the UK should vote to leave the European Union.

Campaigners for the Out and Proud campaign were out in Soho yesterday to make a last-minute push to help people make up their minds about the impending EU referendum in which voters in the UK decide whether Britain should stay in the European Union or leave.




The Out and Proud campaign is a grassroots drive by members of the LGBT+ community who are campaigning to Leave the EU.


Dr Bull who had been a supporter of the Remain campaign switched sides.

In his video Dr Bull said,

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“The UK has never really been fully in. We don’t even share the same currency, we have many opt outs and so either you get in or you get out. I think the best thing for us to do is as a Country is to vote Leave.”

Crispin Blunt MP, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Select Committee said,

“Britain is proudly at the forefront of LGBTI equality and will continue to be one of the world’s leading proponents of LGBTI rights if we Leave the EU.

There are some who purposely confuse the debate by muddling the EU and ECHR, and say that by leaving one we will leave the other. This is completely false. The EU and the ECHR are completely different treaties, and there is no question of us leaving the ECHR.

Outside the EU we will have a renewed positive global role. A role that is more attuned to our people, economic strengths, history and culture. We should Leave the EU to play a positive not a defensive and negative role in the world.”

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