One moment there is no Chris Barrie on our screens for years next thing you know more than a hundred come along at once …

This week’s Red Dwarf sees a return to the classic Arnold Rimmer (Chris Barrie) has illusions of grandeur setting of old. Though this time it’s no illusion as Rimmer finally receives the promotion he has waited for all his life and death. Obviously the rest of the Dwarf Posse are less than happy with this.
An attempt to reign in the power crazy Hologram only makes the situation worse as Rimmer decides on creating a few hundred clones of himself certain that they will obey him if no-one else will.
Sure they will, Arn, sure they will …

A very different but no less special episode if only for the treat of seeing Chris Barrie do what he does best: playing multiple characters at once. The fact that he manages to act as the same character in at-least twenty different ways is testament to his talent. He is an extremely talented man and it’s a shame he isn’t on our screens more often.
Red Dwarf XI every Thursday at 9PM on Dave