Yikes. Uber is rating you… and judging you.

And guess what you could now be barred from using the Uber service if you break one of their community guidelines. The guidelines say US only at this point. So you could find your Uber account blocked if you break one of the rules.


So you could find your Uber account blocked if you break one of the rules.


So what are Uber’s rules?

No fighting,


No flirting

No swearing

No personal questions


No sex – with a driver or another passenger,

No discrimination

No stalking


No being sick

No breaking the law

No guns



And while we agree with many of those – we’re wondering how Uber is going to deal with its own drivers when they break the law (using mobile phones whilst driving – don’t think we don’t see you!) or discriminating against someone because of their sexuality.




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Just saying.

In other news you know when you rate your Uber journey, you get rated back by your driver! You can actually find out what your Uber star rating is.




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