The Book That Changed My Life

There aren’t many books that lay claim to changing a life, but Allen Carr’s No More Hangovers is one that can claim first prize.
Now, I’m not an alcoholic, but I did like a drink at wine time, usually at around 6:00 pm, if not GMT then it was always six somewhere in the world – and in amongst the press conferences, the champagne receptions, the tastings and press trips I had been taking in 2014, it occurred to me that I was perhaps drinking just a little too much.
I knew that I should cut down, my once trim 30-inch waistline was telling me that. But I just didn’t think that I could. It felt as though I lived for the Champs and nibbles at the various dos I’d attend… and also wouldn’t people think me odd, not drinking, especially when the wine and gins would flow so freely?
I’ve never been a ‘just have one’ type of guy, it’s all or nothing with me – and while that in itself can create crazy stories, which my friends are always happy to remind me of ‘what went down’. It’s not classy, to say the least.
However, one night, when I was alone and I started to drink by myself and after the first half a bottle of Malibu, or whatever it was I was drinking, a thought popped into my head. What am I doing and why am I doing this? I wasn’t happy and jolly, I wasn’t being the life and soul of any parties and I certainly wasn’t looking, feeling or acting the sexy beast that I know myself to be. Looking into the mirror, I saw how miserable I had actually become.
It occurred to me, in my slightly tipsy stupor that I wasn’t drinking socially, to be funny, or to fit in. I was drinking as a crutch. A coping mechanism perhaps. I’m not sure, but I definitely wasn’t happy – and I definitely wasn’t enjoying the drinking that I was doing.
That was nearly three years ago. And not a drop of the poison has touched my lips since reading the book, and I’m not sure it ever will again. Ask any of my friends and they are quite amazed. I’ve had fully inclusive holidays, years of of press events and family functions, where drinking used to be an absolute, and I can, hand on heart say, I’ve not missed the wine, not once.
I don’t know what the book does, but it changed me and if you’re looking to make a positive change in your life with regards to drinking, No More Hangovers, for me, has achieved full marks.