Despite having millions of followers Ru's social accounts have been silent for over a month.

Over a month on and RuPaul’s social media channels are still empty.

Back in July, RuPaul shocked fans when he deleted every post on his Instagram account and seemingly shut down his Twitter account. The only social platform that is still live is his Facebook page, which hasn’t been updated since 2019.


Even his official website hasn’t been uploaded in quite a while.

Despite the lack of content, Ru’s channels are still highly subscribed, with over 4.1 million followers on Instagram and 1.3 million followers on Facebook.

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Done with the negativity

Gossip site, PageSix have reported that the star had “had it with being scrutinized on social media”

A “source” told the site, ““The truth is things like Black Lives Matter is overwhelming for someone like Ru. He gets backlash for appearing to not … support the community and [he receives] a lot of negativity, so he disengages,”

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THEGAYUK did reach out to RuPaul for comment, but never heard back.

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