We can only imagine what the film decision process for making a film like Deadpool is like for Ryan Reynolds…


‘What colour’s the suit?’ It’s Green, ‘Hell yes, I’ll do it’. It’s now Red, ‘Sign me up’. We’re re-making The Mask, It’s bright Yellow, ‘Sign me up’… Ok, we’re not sure about this, but someone who can answer for Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds.

It seems that on departure he did take a number of gifts home with him,
“I kept two things, the stuffed unicorn wearing ass-less leather chaps and the Deadpool suit because I waited 10 years to do the film so I’m keeping the f*cking suit.


His favourite colour is “Estelle Getty” but his favourite hair belonged to Zyan Malik. Post haircut Ryan asked, “Love to know where the discarded hair is and how it might be purchased. It’s not for a friend. It’s for me.”

It’s not just Zyan on the obsession list as he could “definitely imagine doing something with Spiderman at some point… (Looks dreamingly into space)”.
This fantasy of other Superheros continued when asked who was better – Iron Man or Captain America, he answered, “We’re talking about exotic dancing, right?”

When asked to reassure a young boy, who was underage to see Deadpool, his comforting words were, “We’re all just blood filled meat puppets marching inexorably towards death. Or Florida.”

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Deadpool is in cinemas now
rated 15.

The March issue of THEGAYUK is available now on digital newsstands which you can download on your iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire or Android device

About the author: Aunty
The UK's bitchiest agony aunt. Send her your woes if you dare.