Shower Douching

Shower douching can be done with a special douche head, or with the shower’s hose, without the shower head attached.
Shower douching is a much more intensive clean – and good for big dick penetration, fisting and toy play.
Be careful if you are just using the shower hose with no connection – the pipe may have rough edges which could cause snags.
Before you start it’s a good idea to get the temperature of the water just right – try to get it lukewarm.
If you’re using a special douche head make sure you follow the instructions carefully.
If you’re just using the shower’s hose, press the end up to your butt hole and turn on the water – but don’t put the hose into your ass.
There are warnings when it comes to shower douching. The pressure of the water is much higher than a douche bulb and you could cause yourself an injury if you allow too much water into your rectum and lower colon at high pressure.
Because the shower douche is likely to get water further up inside you, it’s likely to dislodge faecal matter that’s in your lower colon, which might mean that it could take longer to finish douching. However, you’ll probably feel a lot more confident of no pooping mishaps during your play.
Treat your shower douche like a colonic – steady flow
Doctor Goldstein from Bespoke Surgical New York, USA, speaking on the Talk About Gay Sex Podcast said that if you use a shower hose when douching that you need to take care and keep a steady flow, much like a colonic.
He advises that shooting water up your rectum, holding it inside you and then letting the water go, isn’t the optimum way of getting clean or keeping your ass safe.
Instead, the Doc suggested a more steady approach revealing, “the key is kinda like a colonic, where water is going in and water is going out, so that you’re never filling up” was the best way to make sure you get everything out.