For petrol heads alike, Wheeler Dealers returns this month, well today to be precise with the likeable motoring geeza Mike Brewer, the one who buys and sells the cars with easy on the eyes mechanic and very good with his hands, Ant Anstead who does the fixing of whatever Mike has plunged deep into his pockets and bought.
This series we see the following:
o 1972 Fiat 124 Spider
o 1973 Toyota Celica
o 2002 Mercedes Benz E55 AMG
o 2004 BMW M3
o Volvo Amazon 122
o Toyota Land Cruiser
o 1985 Merkur XR4Ti
o Ford Bronco
o 1982 Porsche 911 SC
That’s 6 European, 2 Japanese and 1 American. Now you might be wondering what a Merkur XR4Ti is when clearly the Bronco is the American hero of the show. The Merkur (not really a name that promotes motoring romance I have to say, is your actual Ford Sierra XR4i. It’s just very much Americanised.
You’ll find more in that in episode 6 of 9 though for my money I’ll be glued to the screen with the phone off the hook for episode 4. This is where Mike finds a 1972 Fiat 124 Spider. It’s all-original, but the driving experience leaves a lot to be desired. Mike gets crafty on the interior while Ant fixes a leaky differential and replaces a carrier bearing and axle seals.
Wheeler Dealers has been with us for many years and in that time Mike and the team have travelled across Europe and the globe to find cars to return to the garage for repairs. As is in the real world, you rarely buy a car and do nothing to it. In this series, the boys return to America to do their buying and selling. And why not, I look out to my garage and in the bleak cold damp of March, I envy the thoughts of opening the garage doors and letting in the sun.

So tune into Discovery channel over the next nine weeks to find out more on how Mike holds out his hand and Ant gets greasy.