Did you know you can test yourself for HIV in the comfort of your own home?

Thanks to at-home testing you no longer have to book an appointment at your local sexual health clinic to test for a variety of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. However we’d always suggest you book an appointment with a clinic – as it really isn’t that awful an experience – read our full review of visiting a sexual health clinic here.


However, you’re unable to get to a clinic there are charities and health organisations that can send out an HIV test to your home for you to self-test.

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To read our review of the at-home self-test click here.

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Watch how to take an at-home self-test for HIV

The Saving Lives charity has given the readers of THEGAYUK.com a free offer – when you use GAYUK20 you can get an HIV Self Test sent to your home.

Just click here to order your HIV Self Test Kit today.

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