Our body clock is a very intelligent feature, which can been thrown off as we travel hundreds of miles per hour, through multiple time zones. Michela Vaginini nutritionist at Nature’s Plus, has given us her top 5 tips for beating jet lag. She says, “Once your body’s natural 24-hour clock has been disrupted there is nothing that can completely beat jet lag. However, there are things you can do, to ease its symptoms and enjoy your holiday.”
1)Look at the Sun
2)Stay away from COFFEE
3)Turn off your phone
4)Go for a walk
5)Support your adrenal glands
These peanut-size masses of tissue located on top of your kidneys are essential for your stress response and sleeping patterns. When you are jet lagged they are doubling up their workload to keep you awake so they need an extra support. The most important nutrients for adrenal health are vitamins B, which you can find in eggs, organic meat, green leafy vegetables and whole grains (Don’t get tempted with sugary muffins!). Spirulina and algae extract are great super foods for our adrenal glands providing essential minerals and amino acids. To get a complete green foods blend, add a tablespoon of Nature’s Plus Green Lightning (revital.co.uk, £26.40) to your coconut water and feel the energy!